Tyele Goulart Peres, M.S.

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Tyele Goulart Peres, M.S.


Ph.D. candidate, Department of Medicine. Health Sciences Program, Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil. 

Doutoranda, Departmento de Medicina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande, Brasil. 

Home country: Brazil

What are your research interests?  

My research interests are aligned with public health in general, global mental health, especially among children and adolescents. I am also interested in the relationship between mental health and work. 

What excites you about research?

What excites you about research is the opportunity to always be learning new theories and new methodologies that make me feel that my work is important and that it can make a difference in people's quality of life. I am currently particularly interested in deepening practical knowledge in participatory methodologies and mixed methods in research. 

What challenges do you face?

I believe that one of the biggest challenges in academic life is demanding productivity, which is extremely important for scientific development, but which can cause emotional suffering for researchers. In addition, demonstration of productivity is also required in job positions and project financing. These requirements can lead researchers to produce important articles for the academic community, but reduce opportunities to provide feedback to their research participants. This becomes a challenge for me because sometimes I feel like my work is not enough.