Deogratias Musoke

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Deogratias Musoke



B.A., Development Studies, Makerere Univeristy - Uganda

Research Interests

Marginalized and vulnerable categories of poor people in both urban and rural developing countries

Street kids/adolescent drug addicts

Psychoactive substance mental health disorders (depression, trauma, and stress)


Best Overall student in Malaysia 2010 Institute of Rural Advancement (INFRA)

Scholarship from (MTCP) Correctional Academy of Langkawi -Malaysia

Scholarship from (MTCP) INFRA Institute-Malaysia.

Scholarship from (MTCP) INSPEN Institute-Malaysia.

Highlighted Publications & Presentations

Musoke, D. 2019. Developing a sustainable Transboundary collaboration in post-armed conflict areas of DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda. Managing Transnational UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa, access the book here,

Musoke, D. 2018. Can culture and sustainable development be achieved in the African Context, a case study of Uganda? Presented at the 20th International Conference of the Association of Cultural Economics (ACEI) at RMIT University–Melbourne.